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You are the th jamer to sing tonight.

Midi Music File

The background music is "Uncle John's Band" by The Grateful Dead
If you dont want to hear the music, turn it off here.


This page as the following code:
< BR > < CENTER >
< EMBED SRC= " Sujb.mid " width=200 height=55 controller=true loop=true autostart=true >
</ CENTER > < P > < BGSOUND SRC= " Sujb.mid " >
< BR > < CENTER > < font size=4 > The background music is " Uncle John's Band "
< BR > by the Greatful Dead..
</ font size > </ CENTER >

You can add music to your pages with similar code. The embed tag is for Netscape. You embed with an SRC that equals a name. I specify the width and height of the controller. I tell the controller to loop and I auto start the file. I have to use BGSOUND SRC for Internet Explorer. You also have to have the right plug-in selected in your helper applications and plug-ins. I use Cresendo or LiveAudio for my plug-ins to play sound files. Take a look at my plug-ins helper page.

Russell Andavall
c/o West Coast Macaroni Factory
#4 1250 57th Ave
Oakland, Ca 94521
United States