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Famous Melissa and Company
Melissa Panages
545 Sutter Street
Studio #301
San Francisco, Ca 94102
phone: 415-788-1866
Fax; 415-461-5750
Famous Melissa & Co! was founded while Melissa was attending graduate school
at U.C. Berkeley studying under Peter Voulkos. As an artist
she believed in the surrealistic philosophy. Take an object and twist it's original meaning into something unique and innovative. With this concept in her mind's eye, FM made a fortuitous discovery during the INFANCY of the the electronic revolution. Thanks to theValley Boys at Apple and the Microsoft Genius, in 1979- 1983
FM developed a style of innovative STATE-OF_THE_ARTWEAR all made of recycled gold traced circut boards and other electronic debris. Her boyfriend at that time had chanced apon a small vile of female and male Hughes Electronic connector pins made of heavly gold plated copper and steel. Panages "BRAINSTORMED"for the next 3 years and created a whole style of jewelry and clothes from this vision. There have been many to catch onto this concept that Famous Melissa started back in the 80's . Even the famed Intel has gotten into the periferals of this concept. Maybe someone over there should get in touch with FM(if they can get ahold of her!) and collaborate on some tradeshow give aways. There is no doubt who has pioneered this field of fashion as documented by magazines such as Newsweek, PEOPLE, Omni, Mondo 2000, SWING, just to name afew. Panages interesting personality and philosophy has drawn the media to her without the help of P.R. firms. Panages has lived by the statement, 'Find your ART and your PATRON will find you!" She feels extremely grateful to have been blessed with what she describes as "The gift and curse of creativity!"
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