Index of all Pages
- Directory Pages
<- Go to Directory of Categories Page ->
- : Directory of Categories Page
Go to the Ceramics Directory ->
- The index of Ceramic Pages
Go to the Writings and Poems Pages ->
- The index of Writings and Poems Pages
Go to Music and Sound Page Directories ->
- Music and Sound Pages
Go to Interactive Media and Animation Directories ->
- Directory Pages of Animation and Interactive Media
Go to Digital Photography Directory ->
- Directory Pages of Digital Photography
Go to Other Links Page ->
- Directory of Links to Other Pages
Ceramics Web Pages
Go to Price List Page ->
- Current prices of my functional ceramics
Go to Glaze Materials Page->
- A page Describing Clay and minerals
- I use in making Glazes and Clay
Go to Kiln Retrofit Page->
- A page Describing Retrofiting
- the kiln with kaowool fiber
Go to Production Methods ->
- My techniques for making pottery
Go to Pictures of Production methods #1->
- Pictures of production #1:
- Mixing clay,Wedging, Throwing clay
Go to Pictures of Production methods # 2 ->
- Pictures of Production #2:
- Trimming pots, Making handles, Sieving glazes,
Go to Pictures of Production methods #3 ->
- Pictures of Production #3:
- Siphoning glazes, Making Cone Packs, Glazing
Go to Pictures of Production methods #4 ->
- Pictures of Production #4:
- Bricking Door, Firing Kiln, Unloading Kiln
Go to Kiln Building and Firing ->
- Pictures of my Kiln Bagwall, Burners
- Stack, Dampers, and firing schedual
Go to Ceramic Products Pictures->
- Page #1 of Pictures of Ceramic Products
Go to Goblet Making Page ->
- Techniques for making goblets
Go to a Gallery of Plates ->
- Plates by Russell Andavall with Ed Monroe drawings
Go to a Gallery of Vases ->
- Vases by Russell Andavall
Go to CopperRed Page ->
- Article on Oxblood Glazes with Pictures
Go to Using Bottle Glass Page->
- Using Bottle Glass in the glaze
Go To Kiln Building page ->
- Building Kiln
Go To Making Teapots Page ->
- Article on Making Functional Teapots
Go to a Shockwave slideshow of making Teapots ->
- Making Functional Teapots
This file is 283k and uses Shockwave plug-in
Go to Teacup Meditation Animation ->
- Animation of teacup making
This file is 153k Gif animation
Stories and Poems Pages
Go to The Potter's Tale ->
- The story of the Making of the Holy Grail
Go to The Master teaches Perfection->
- A story of pottery making
Go to The Vendors' Christmass poem ->
- A poem to the Berkeley Street Vendors
Go to Muse ->
- Writings and ideas by Russ Andavall
Go Muse' Page II ->
- Another Page of Poems & Writing by Russ Andavall
Go to Rubaiyat Page ->
- The Rubaiyat Of Omar Khayyam
Drawings and Photographs Pages
Go to Digital Pictures Page ->
- Digital Pictures and Drawings
Go to Digital Pictures Page 2 ->
- Chalk Drawings
Go to Digital Composition page->
- Composite pictures page
GIF Animation Pages
Go to The FireGod->
- An animation
Don't Go IN HERE??? hehe
- .........................................
Go here!->
- Animations
Go to Clay Animation
- A gif animation of me working
QuickTime Pages
Go to Conceptual Art Project (233k !) ->
- This animation uses the Quicktime plug-in, is 233k
- and takes 3 minutes to download!
- This animation does stream if you have
- Apple's crossplatform Quicktime 3.0
Go to Lori's Fire Animation (569k !) ->
- This animation uses the Quicktime plug-in, is 569k
- and takes 5 minutes to download!
- This animation does stream if you have
- Apple's crossplatform Quicktime 3.0
Go to Macaroni Factory (558k !) ->
- This animation uses the Quicktime plug-in, is 558k
- and takes 5 minutes to download!
- This animation does stream if you have
- Apple's crossplatform Quicktime 3.0
Go to Telegraph Avenue Berkeley (242k !) ->
- This animation uses the Quicktime plug-in, is 242k
- and takes 2 minutes to download!
- This animation does stream if you have
- Apple's crossplatform Quicktime 3.0
Go to Ceramics Tip on Zinc Movie (242k !) ->
- This animation uses the Quicktime plug-in, is 242k
- and takes 2 minutes to download!
- This animation does stream if you have
- Apple's crossplatform Quicktime 3.0
Go to Candle and Mirror (255k !) ->
- This animation uses the Quicktime plug-in, is 255k
- and takes 2 minutes to download!
- This animation does stream if you have
- Apple's crossplatform Quicktime 3.0
Shockwave Movie Pages
Go to Shockwave Animation
- Potters' Adventure (520k !) ->
- This an experimental page using Shockwave technology.
- The animation uses a Shockwave plug-in and is 520k
- and takes 4 minutes to download!
Go to Shockwave Animation
- Artists' Studio (774k !) ->
- This an experimental page using Shockwave technology.
- The animation uses a Shockwave plug-in and is 774k
- and takes 4 minutes to download!
Go to Shockwave Animation
- FireGod (348k !) ->
- This an experimental page using Shockwave technology.
- The animation uses a Shockwave plug-in and is 348k
- and takes 4 minutes to download!
Go to Shockwave Animation
- Garden of Eden (533k !) ->
- This an experimental page using Shockwave technology.
- The animation uses a Shockwave plug-in and is 533k
- and takes 4 minutes to download!
Go to Shockwave Animation
- Greek Dancing Vase (261k !) ->
- This an experimental page using Shockwave technology.
- The animation uses a Shockwave plug-in and is 261
- and takes 4 minutes to download!
Go to Shockwave Animation
- Prodical Son (221k !) ->
- This an experimental page using Shockwave technology.
- The animation uses a Shockwave plug-in and is 221k
- and takes 4 minutes to download!
Go to Shockwave Animation:
- Circle of Vermier (520k !) ->
- This an experimental page using Shockwave technology.
- The animation uses a Shockwave plug-in and is 520k
- and takes 4 minutes to download!
Special Web Pages
Go to Live Video Feed Page->
- A live video feed from San Francisco
Vamanos de Espanol Ceramicas ->
- Formulario y Practicas de Ceramica
Family Picture Gallery ->
- Pictures of my family
Congressman Condit’s Con ->
- by Ed “Sonny” Monroe
Photographs of me ->
- by Chris Lewis
- Go to The Potters' Studio Home Page ->
- Ceramics Instrucion & Membership Facility
A link to long time friend and jeweler ->
- Sparrow who makes fine Celtic arts
Welcome to FireGod Arts Website
Russell Andavall
FireGod Arts
1250 57th Avenue
Oakland, California 94621
Ceramic artist and Electronic multimedia artist
- Go to Plug-in Help Page ->
- Netscape Plugin configuration Help
Go to Biographical Information ->
Biographical Information Page
          I am remodeling the website for easier access to those of
us with slow modems and slow machines. I want anyone to
be able to visit my website. There are midi sound files that
require a plugin like Crescendo. I use Gif animations that
do not require a plugin or helper application to play
in Netscape or Internet Explorer. Please go to the Helper Page
for important information about configuring your browser to
hear sound and see video. I also am experimenting
with Quciktime and other plugins. I use Netscape Gold to
browse and to do some of the conctruction. Much of the
construction of the site is done in Tripods' "QuickPager creator".
Tripod offers 5 megs of free space and a "QucikPage creator"
to make webpages without knowing any HTML. If you join,
and use the Quickpage creator, you will quickly learn about
HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language). The QuickPage creator
allows you to edit in HTML as well to customize your site. As
a result, I have learned a great deal of HTML. I now use BBEdit
and HTML Viewer to edit my pages. Welcome to my remodeled
site. This page is the index to all pages on the site. You can
visit the site by category as well. Go to the main directory at:
Russell Andavall
The FireGod
- Go to Directory Page ->
- The Directory of page Catagories
Russell Andavall
FireGod Arts
#4 1250 57th Ave
Oakland, Ca 94521
United States
Your are the th traveler to journey to my site.